When we tend to our personal growth, we heal the world
Shoya Zichy's ColorQ is the best of the personality type tools for fostering personal growth and eliminating everyday stressors.
More than a personal development tool, COLORQ is a lens through which to view the world, valuing the four reasoning pathways that make for a functioning, dynamic society.
A practical, personal development tool
A lens for appreciating differences in society
Know the reasoning pathways that shape your worldview
Eliminate everyday stressors that come from interacting with people who reason differently
Understand the four intelligences that contribute to a dynamic, functioning communities
For over 30 years I have loved introducing people to psychological type. I met Shoya when she was President of the NY Association of Psychological Type. Once introduced to COLORQ I incorporated its use in leadership training programs. Experiential nature..to MBTI...small times.
Color Q is based on the work of Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, the research of the Myers-Briggs community, the temperament work of David Keirsey and the brain research of Dario Nardy.
Created by Shoya Zichy, it has been administered to over 20,000 worldwide and serves as the basis of her books Women and The Leadership Q, Career Match: Connecting Who You Are With What You’ll Love To Do and Personality Power.
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© 2024 Tanya Straker